Our Stony Creek, a Hamilton-based clinic is also proud to offer denture creation services. Our experts can work at fitting and manufacturing high-quality full dentures, replacement dentures and partial dentures. With a number of options available each featuring complete warrantees and guarantees, we can help you restore your natural smile with top-quality dentures and permanent implants.
If you think that you may need dentures, Centennial Dental Centre located between Hamilton and Stony Creek can schedule an appointment for you to give you access to different denture options. A free consultation session can be arranged to help you evaluate your specific needs for dentures and then we can make recommendations for a treatment that can benefit your individual condition.
We can also provide a replacement for existing dentures as well as make adjustments for existing ones if you find them uncomfortable.
Dentures help millions of people around the world enhancing their quality of life because they act just the same as natural teeth and require regular cleaning and care. Over time however your mouth can change and it’s possible that your dentures may need adjustment. Most dental associations recommend that dentures be replaced every 5 to 7 years to ensure proper function and proper comfort. If you find yourself using more denture adhesives or that your current dentures feel uncomfortable, please contact our offices today to book an appointment.
We can help you transition into dentures easily.
Our dental experts can help set you for various dentures and implants as well as make repairs and adjustments on site that can give you a brand-new smile. The first step is to examine if you are a good candidate for dentures, we then follow this process up with a denture fitting process and either manufacture partial dentures, full dentures or install permanent dentures depending on your situation.
We can provide you with a number of instructions on caring for dentures and how you can clean it up after each meal. It’s important to note that any denture that we install or provide for you will never be a permanent solution. You should still come back at least once a year for a complete oral exam and to ensure that your denture or implants are performing well or need adjustment or replacement.
We do offer temporary dentures (transitional), also known as Flipper Dentures. These are usually used until a permanent denture is made.
For individuals who would rather utilize dental implants or permanent dentures, we can determine whether you are a good candidate for titanium implant dentures. These are a great solution for permanent dentures that perform just the same way as natural teeth. These titanium posts will secure remarkably realistic teeth and prevent any slipping or difficulty that you might have experienced in the past from non-permanent dentures. If you feel that you might be a good candidate for the implant system for dentures contact our Hamilton dental centre today.